YARC will have an outdoor booth selling donations, club member items, and items for sale by hamfest attendees. Consignment sales will be conducted during tailgating hours, from 7:30 AM to 12 AM MST. A fee of 10% of the finalized sale price will be charged. Fill out the form below and bring it to the hamfest along with your items. You can use more than one form, if necessary.
YARC Members: Contact Jim Zimmerman N6KZ (Consignment@w7yrc.org) if you have any questions.
- Donated equipment should be brought to the hamfest by 9 AM along with your completed form for sale. Forms will also be available at the consignment sales booth.
PLEASE NOTE: Any unsold consignment sales items left at the consignment sales booth beyond 12 PM on hamfest day becomes the property of YARC.
YARC Consignment Sales Coordinator: Jim Zimmerman N6KZ (Consignment@w7yrc.org)
Consignment Sales Form (download it, print it off, fill it out and bring it with you to the hamfest):LINK