Prize Donors
You can see the current list of prizes that have been donated by vendors, other organizations, and individuals by clicking this LINK. Donations of $100 or over will be added to the Grand Prize list of prizes. Thanks to the many vendors, organizations and individuals who have donated these prizes.
Hourly Drawing and Grand Prize Tickets
Hourly Drawing Tickets – Each attendee will be given one free hourly ticket. Purchase hourly drawing tickets at the Hamfest Central booth in the tailgating area. 20 for $5 or 3 for $1,
Grand Prize Raffle Tickets – You can purchase Grand Prize raffle tickets also at Hamfest Central
Hourly Drawing Prizes
Drawings will be held hourly at the hamfest command center booth outside on Saturday beginning at 8 AM and ending at Noon. You must be present to win. Fill out and deposit your admission ticket stub in the drum to have a chance for one of these prizes. You can purchase additional hourly drawing tickets 3 for $1 or 20 for $5. Any hourly drawing prize not claimed by 11:30AM on Saturday, will be redrawn at that time, prior to the Grand Prize drawings.
GRAND PRIZES – you do not need to be present to win.
Downloadable list of Grand Prizes
Hamfest Grand Prizes
Above are the hamfest grand prizes that will be drawn beginning at 11:30AM on Saturday. You do not need to be present to win. If you are not present, and you live in the US, the item will be shipped to you free of charge. If you live outside the US, you will have to pay the difference in shipping cost from what it would cost to be shipped to a US address.
If vendors donate a prize with a value of $100 or greater, the prize will be added to the Grand Prize list. You can buy grand prize tickets at the hamfest or by using the online form below, paying with PayPal.
Grand Prize Tickets
Grand Prize tickets are $1 each or 12 for $10. You do not need to be present to win. You can order Grand Prize tickets online at You can purchase them at the hamfest at Hamfest Central. Tickets will be on sale until around 11AM on Saturday.
NOTE: If you ordered Grand Prize Raffle Tickets online, the raffle tickets will be held for you at the Hamfest Central booth on Saturday – THEY WILL NOT BE MAILED TO YOU. You must then fill out the tickets and deposit the stubs.
If you pick the tickets up at the hamfest, you can then insert your tickets into the raffle drum. If you do not pick up your tickets at the hamfest by 11AM on Saturday, your filled-out tickets will be inserted into the drum for you. AGAIN, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE PRESENT TO WIN.
Contact: Frank Bender K8FB (