Seminar Proposals

Seminar Proposals Are Now Closed

We are no longer seeking additional seminars for 2018

Soliciting Seminar Proposals

We are soliciting proposals for seminars at this year’s Prescott Hamfest.  Presentations will be offered on Friday and Saturday (June 1st and 2nd) during the mornings and afternoons.

We have a number of rooms available that each seat around 30 people.  There is also a 300 person auditorium.  These rooms and the auditorium have PCs, projectors, internet connectivity, and Skype capability.

You just need to bring your PowerPoint (preferable) or PDF presentation on a Thumb Drive to the seminar.

To augment your presentation, there is a nearby large flat grassy area across from the tail gating area that is available for you to do a demonstration, if desired.  We can provide a canopy, tables, chairs, and a deep cycle 12 volt battery (no commercial AC power is available), plus assistance in supporting your demonstration.  If you wish to also do a demonstration, indicate so in the Comments field below.

We are looking for timely topics for our hamfest seminars.  Examples of Amateur Radio specific possible topics include:

  • Software Defined Radio
  • Arduino/Raspberry Pi applications
  • SOTA
  • Antennas and their Installations
  • DXpeditions
  • Digital modes
  • Contesting
  • Public Service
  • EME
  • Satellite communications.
  • RFI Mitigation
  • Lightning and EMP Protection
  • Coax Loss and Measurement Techniques
  • Operating Practices, DX Code of Conduct

In addition we welcome topics of interest to non-hams and attendees wishing to learn more about ham radio.

We are now accepting proposals for seminar presentations.  Please fill out and submit the seminar proposal form below that will be sent to Seminar Chair: Larry Dorrell – KG7TTD,


Seminar Schedule