Admission and Tailgating Pre-Registration

You are strongly encouraged to pre-register tailgating swapfest parking places.  There is a 5-space limit per registration.  Each space includes one free admission.  You can also pre-purchase additional admissions for other persons in your vehicle, so that you can proceed to your tailgating space without delay.  Additional admissions can be purchased at the gate, if necessary.  On-line registration deadline is May 29th. Spaces may not be available on May 31st, if you do not pre-register.

All spaces are covered 9 feet wide parking spaces.  Depending on demand, we may open up non-covered swapfest parking spaces on the day of the hamfest.

Tailgating setup will start Saturday morning, May 31st, at 06:30 AM. Shut down will start at 11:30 AM MST.

Online tailgating pre-registration will no longer be available after the May 29, 2025, 9:00 PM deadline.

    Parking spaces are available for $10 per parking lot space, which includes one free admission.  Spaces are available on a first come, first served basis.

    The Yavapai Amateur Radio Club will sell your items for you, if you wish.  Click this LINK to go to the “Consignment Sales” page.

    Gasoline generators are permitted in tailgating spaces, but there must be a properly rated fire extinguisher present that is adjacent to the generator.

    Tailgating Chair: Bernie Sakowicz (

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