Seminars will be held on Friday and Saturday (May 31st and June 1st). Seminars will be held in Buildings in the DLC Auditorium and DLC Classrooms (Building 20). The ARRL AZ Section Forum, ARCA Annual Meeting, and Arizona Repeater Council meeting will be held in Building 17 (tentatively). Building 17 is immediately behind the Student Union. Reference the hamfest map for the location of these buildings. A map and seminar schedule will be included with the hamfest program that will be given to each hamfest attendee. A hamfest map and an up to date schedule will also be posted at the Hamfest Central booth in the tailgating area.
Friday, May 31st – 10 AM to 4 PM MST, DLC Auditorium and DLC Classrooms 101 through 105 (Building 20)
Saturday, June 1st – 10 AM to 3 PM MST, DLC Auditorium and DLC Classrooms 101 through 105 (Building 20)
Seminar Chair: Frank Bender K8FB
Seminar, Meeting, and Activity Schedule
The Technical Seminar and General Interest Seminar schedules will be posted here sometime in May, 2019 – possibly earlier. The schedule will also be contained in the hamfest handout brochure to given out upon admission. A copy of the schedule will be posted at Hamfest Central and outside the DLC Auditorium.