Special YARC Membership Offer

During the 2017 Prescott Hamfest at ERAU, the Yavapai Amateur Radio Club (YARC) will be offering half-off club memberships for new members only.  The price of a one year new membership will be $10, while a two year new membership will be $20 ($7.50 and $15, respectively, for full time students).  This offer is only good on June 10th, 2017.  The application must be submitted and paid for at the hamfest during hamfest hours.

To take advantage of this offer, fill out the membership application below, write “One Year Hamfest Membership Special” or “Two Year Hamfest Membership Special” on top of the form, and submit with your remittance to a YARC representative manning the outdoor Hamfest Command Center booth.

YARC Membership Application:

Download (PDF, 288KB)